Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ayurveda -- an introduction.

September 19-20-21 was a educational weekend at the science center. With the inauguration of Exhibition of Medicinal Plants By Vaidya Choodamani Raghuveer alias Pramod P. Bhide, from Ratnagiri, , Shri Vishwanath Joshi, Director Goa Science Centre, , Shri Arjun Halarnkar, Project Manager, International Centre Goa,
The exercise was to introduce the public to the concepts of Ayurveda and to reach out the people. We also looked at presenting Ayurveda as an career opportunity and give the glimpse of the college to the students. Of 11th and 12th standard.
The sessions commenced on 19th with the key note talk by sri Rajendra Kerkar an environmental educationist. Followed by a birds view of the growth of the Ayurvedic college at Shiroda, presented by Dr.Neelesh Korde.
On 20th was an open house the argumentative Indian made his presence felt, it was an interactive sessions between the various streams of medicine with Vaidya Bhide and Dr.Suraj Kanekar chairing the sessions
Dada vaidya, has the unique privilege of being the only Hindu vaidya who was honored by the Portuguese his statue wascarved at Portugal and place at Ponda for the gentleman in dhoti and non presumptuous herbs had cured the viceroy’s son who was declared incurable by the Portuguese doctors. This historic event was discussed in totality by and goans were made aware of their unique heritage by Dr.Prajal sakhardande and Vaidya Jayant Gosai from Sattara. This event also commemorated dada vaidya’s 150th birth anniversary .A book on Ayurveda and milestone's in it journey was released to commemorate the event.Raj vaidya the grandson on Dada vaidya graced the occasion
future was the focus of 21st we had an career option presentation by the college for 11th and 12th standard students.
Dr.Anura Bhale made the public aware of what was prakriti, what was dosha and what role it played on the people’s health. She also did prakriti pareekshan or examination of those who were interested and counseled them on balancing their food and exercise regime.
The session concluded with the Art of Living practitioners giving their input on Ayurveda and health.
The high lights of the three days, were the presence of the ethnic folk healer Ram Shanker Gavalikar who learnt the art of finding medicinal roots and herbs in the forest and using them for treatment from his mother and grandmother.
Dr.Archana Gaonkar had contributed 3 precious days from clinic to render free consultation for the participants.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Naati madhu

Or folk medicine
These are medications handed by folk healers using available herbs. They are not aware of how the disease emerges or how the medication exactly works, but they are aware of the symptoms and what cures the symptoms.
It is learnt partly as hand me downs and partly by observing nature.
Some popular Naati medicines are:
· Delayed menstruation the root of the coconut tree is made to paste with cows milk this should be taken twice ad ay. Till periods begin.
· Excessive bleeding the root of hibiscus and the root of lotus are blended in equal quantity and dispensed through cow’s milk as vehicle.
· White discharge: is handled by pounding root of cotton trees and mixing it with the extract with honey and taking it in.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Why am I talking about Chikungunya when Swineflu is in fashion?
Well a friend of mine has returned from Kerala, she was saying that the minute people turn with febrile symptoms, the doctors hand out pills, on the assumption of Chikungunya as it is still rampant there.
“Without a blood test?” --- Without a blood test. Why would it be important for a blood test after all paracetamol that is prescribed for Chikungunya is a relatively harmless drug that it is vended over the counter without prescription? Multivitamins can’t do much damage either. Fluid intake and rest are prescribed in all febrile conditions.
In a way this is a good thing to do, because people once infected by Chikungunya seem to develop a more serious condition called the tomato fever. What happens here, is there are tomato like rashes emerging on the hands and legs. The skin becomes hypersensitive, these tomato like rashes have fluids oozing out of them.
To the date 28.000 cases have been registered. The general profile of the disease is not known.
But what is scary is the differential diagnosis of Chikungunya is dengue. While Chikungunya is crippling dengue is fatal.
Chikungunya Vs Dengue:
Dengue Aedes aeaypti
Chikungunya Aedes aeaypti and aedes albopictus.
Clinical features:
Dengue normal fever(DNF) high fever abrupt onset sever headache, pain behind the eyes, muscles bone joints, nausea, vomiting and rashes.
Dengue hemorrhagic (DHF) just like DNF but hemorrhage is also seen. Hemorrhage when there is bleeding.
Chikungunya sudden onset, of fever, headache, chills, nausea, vomiting, sometimes joint pain and rashes are also seen.
Dengue 3- 5days.
Chikungunya 3-7 days.
This is why it is very easy to miss the diagnosis particularly when so much of hype is going around.
Laboratory tests:
Are important in diagnosis and treatment plan. The tests done are:
· Antibody test for IgM and IgG
· Total blood and platelet count
· White blood count.
Clinical features with IgM and IgG or both decrease WBC and platelet count usually confirms dengue. Normal or hemorrhagic.
Presence of IgG and isolation of virus by genetic coding is diagnostic of Chikungunya.
Dengue requires hospitalization ASAP there is a fear of the patient bleeding into a hemorrhagic shock,
While Chikungunya is usually self limiting, lot of fluids, rest, and paracetmol helps in relief from symptoms. Though joint pain persists for a long time.
Kerala department of preventive health.
WHO Chikungunya awareness program.
Center for disease control.