Wednesday, August 10, 2011

voice breakdown

Break down of voice
Voice break down happens quite often let’s look at how exactly it can happen.
Sound process: generating air pressure
Brief description: breathe support Coordinated functions of diaphragm, abdominal muscles, chest muscles, lungs and chest cavity moves the air column upwards through the vocal folds.
Work distribution:  diaphragm abdominal and chest muscles move air into and out of the lungs. Lungs are the organs air; bronchi and trachea are passages for the air from the lungs.
Possible breakdown: that could affect the voice.
·         Lung disease
·         Airway obstruction like asthma, or hardening below the glottis(subglottic stenosis)
·         Paresis or paralysis of the muscles.
Possible symptoms:
·         Shortness of breathe
·         Weak voice.
Sound process—glottic closure of the vocal folds:
Brief description: vocal fold position critical. The vocal folds close during speech or singing and open during breathing. This is controlled by glottis.
Work distribution:
·         Laryngeal muscles contract to close vocal folds
·         Arytenoids cartilages pivot to move vocal folds towards midline
·         RLN and SLN bring nerve input to the muscle.
·         Vocal fold mass and edge contribute to the glottis closure.
Possible failure:
·         Nerve paralysis or paresis
·         Muscle weakness
·         Neurological disease
·         Arthritis of arytenoids cartilage.
·         Nodules, polyps, cysts at on the vocal folds
·         Atrophy of the vocal folds
·         Scaring of the vocal folds.
Possible symptoms:
·         Hoarseness
·         Breathlessness
·         Effortful phonation
·         Vocal fatigue
·         Diplophonia.
Sound process vocal fold vibration:
Brief description: wave like vibration from top to bottom repeated in cycles. With each cycle a puff of air escapes producing a buzzy voice sound. Singing voice produces a unique sound spectrum that is different from the spoken voice.
Work distribution: superficial lamina propria is the main vibrating layer in vocal fold mucosa. The integrity of the vocal fold surface allows the mucosal wave propagation. The vocal fold mass and edge contribute of the glottis closure.
Possible breakdown:
·         Vocal fold scar
·         Vocal fold lesions like cyst, nodules, polyps Papillion etc.
·         Grannuloma of the vocal folds
·         Swelling and infection
·         Paralysis
·         Haemorrhage, vascular ectasis.
·         Hoarseness
·         Effort in phonation
·         Weak voice
·         Speaking voice is lower than usual
·         Voice fatigue.
Sound process—voice volume or loudness:
Brief description: amplitude of sound waves loudness is achieved by increasing pressure/flow. Or increasing vocal folds resistance.
Work distribution:  breathe support. Laryngeal muscles contract to adjust to the tension of the vocal folds. Vocal folds elasticity allows the fold to open wider and stay apart longer.
·         Scars on the vocal folds
·         Paralysis or paresis of the vocal folds
·         Lesions, cysts, nodules polyps, papilloma in the vocal folds
·         Swelling and inflammation.
·         Unable to project voice
·         Weak voice
·         Voice breaks.
Sound process of voice pitch or highness or lowness.
Brief description: frequency of sound waves increases for high notes and tension decreases for low notes.
Work distribution: laryngeal muscles contract to adjust tension of the vocal folds. Specially for higher notes. The integrity of the vocal fold edges decides the elasticity or pliability of the vocal folds.
Possible breakdown:
·         Paresis or paralysis of the nerves
·         Scars of the vocal folds
·         Oedema of the vocal folds
·         Lesions on the vocal folds.
·         Unable to hit high notes
·         Loss of glissando
·         Voice breaks.
This is rough sum up of what could be the cause and effect of the breakdown of the voice system and why it is necessary to see a doctor immediately.

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